Nuestras acciones

Caja de herramientas para la integración socioeconómica de población migrante venezolana

In brief:

It is a comprehensive resource designed to equip the public, private, and financial sectors to foster an inclusive environment for migrants in Colombia. Understanding the migration context, fostering an inclusive organizational culture, promoting employability and entrepreneurship, and fostering systemic intersectoral coordination form the basis of this toolkit.


The kit provides 53 tools, such as participatory workshops, diagrams, checklists, and action tables, making it adaptable to multiple organizational contexts. The practical resources aim to address the challenges and unlock the potential of socio-economic integration of the migrant and returned Venezuelan population.


  • Chemonics

International cooperation, Public, Private, and Financial



For constructing this toolkit, we included the voices of stakeholders from the private, public, and financial sectors, which we complemented in conversations with civil sector organizations and, of course, the migrant and returnee population from Venezuela.


The following graph (In Spanish) illustrates the key findings of our research. This is a vicious circle that impedes the integration of this population.

For constructing this toolkit, we included the voices of stakeholders from the private, public, and financial sectors, which we complemented in conversations with civil sector organizations and, of course, the migrant and returnee population from Venezuela.


The following graph (In Spanish) illustrates the key findings of our research. This is a vicious circle that impedes the integration of this population.

Who is this toolkit for?

This toolkit has an organizational focus, i.e. it is aimed at individuals and work teams that make up entities in the private, financial and public sectors, at the local and national level, that are related to economic inclusion and that wish to incorporate inclusive work environments and improve the socioeconomic integration of the migrant population and returnees from Venezuela.

If you are part of the private sector

and you are interested in promoting labor inclusion and entrepreneurship of migrants and returnees from Venezuela in your organization.

If you are part of the public sector

and are responsible for creating and implementing public policies and programs related to migration, and the socio-economic integration of the migrant population and returnees from Venezuela.

If you are part of the financial sector

and are looking for innovative ways to take advantage of the opportunities brought by the migration phenomenon in the country.

Through my enterprise, I contribute to Colombia by providing employment to vulnerable people and planting trees in the La Guajira department, which makes me very happy.
Anggy Lenny
Migrant resident and gardening advisor at Vivero 4 Rosas.
What does this toolkit contain?

The Toolkit for the socioeconomic integration of migrants and returnees from Venezuela is a publication designed to comprehensively address the challenge of socioeconomic integration of this population in Colombia with an action-oriented approach. It invites teams and individuals to create specific strategies and initiatives through participatory methodologies.

In each chapter of this publication, you will find practical tools that will allow you to effectively address the challenges of socio-economic integration of the migrant and returnee population from Venezuela, promoting an inclusive and equitable approach in private, public, and financial sector organizations.


This toolkit  includes the following chapters (In Spanish):

1. Entendiéndo(nos)

Provides an initial characterization and information on the migration situation, challenges, barriers and opportunities faced by the migrant population in Colombia.


🛠️ Apoya en la solicitud de refugio

▻ La migración como una oportunidad de inclusión y desarrollo

🛠️ Construyendo puentes

🛠️ Análisis de barreras

2. Incluyéndo(nos)
3. Activándo(nos)
4. Articulándo(nos)

Its objective is to strengthen the connection between the sectors from a systemic and relational perspective for the coordination of efforts, favoring innovation and the formulation of concrete actions for integration.


▻ Más allá del enfoque lineal
🛠️ Mentalidad y postura
🛠️ El pensamiento reflexivo

▻ Oportunidades para la articulación
🛠️ Mapa de las partes involucradas
🛠️ Roles de los actores
🛠️ Valores compartidos
🛠️ Divergencia y Convergencia
🛠️ Estrategia de articulación

Bottom line

This toolkit recognizes that capacity building in the private sector, the public sector and the financial sector is essential for inclusion to have a positive impact on the country in social and economic terms.


The intention of USAID’s Opportunities Without Borders Program is to turn this tool into a mechanism to promote awareness and orientation to the challenges posed by migration in a country whose migration profile has changed in recent years.

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